Prezi Presentations

Lately I’ve been creating Prezi training presentations for DirecTV to train their customer service agents on the various upgrades they can offer customers. This has been a great opportunity to delve into the world of Prezi creation and get much better at it. I’ve always worked a lot in presentation design, but I have a renewed passion for it with more updated design methods such as Prezi. It’s fun to take something new and find all the ways to make it work.


Music that’s been inspiring me lately

Hey, first actual blog post in way too long! Thought I’d write about the music that gets me through my work day. Thank goodness for Spotify, if you don’t have an account get one! Especially if you are either in the creative arts or just sit at your connected device all day for what you do. This is one technology that I strongly suggest running to.

Anyway, as an old fogey, I still prefer to listen to music in album format. That’s just the way I do it. So here they are, both new releases and old, the albums I’m currently enjoying:

  1. UNKLE – Where Did the Night Fall (Another Night Out) – Great album from what used to be a Trip-Hop outfit. They’re forging a new direction with this one and I think finds its footing rather well. As with all of UNKLE’s albums, this one is a collaborative work. Some stand-out tracks are Follow Me Down, Natural Selection, Another Night Out, and Money and Run
  2. Helvetia – Nothing in Rambling – This one has grown on me with every listen. A bit of a low-fi-rambling-space-music combination.
  3.  Toy – Toy – New British band that has made a fine collection right off the bat. Keyboard infused shoegaze songs that play well late at night or mid-morning. As you can see below, they need to make some videos, even if they’re just done with iphones at shows.
  4.  Massive Attack – Heligoland – I’m glad that after a couple of missteps, MA has another great album to follow up from 1998’s Mezzanine. Luckily, I got to see them touring this album and it only made me love it that much more.
  5. I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness – Fear is on Our Side – Harkens back to the moody stuff of the 80’s that I couldn’t get enough of as a teenager. Echos The Sisters of Mercy and the like. Hard to believe this band is from Dallas, TX…

Expanded Website

Sooo, I have finally migrated all of my online creative content to this site. And, by so doing, hope to make this a much more robust website. So please be sure to hold me to it. I had played around with a few new designs for the site, but in the end, I returned back to the existing design.

My design portfolio is now live on the site here.

I will be adding some more galleries around of both my graphic design and fine art photography soon. Stay tuned!

Looking West

I’ve been inspired, through some of the iphone projects at hand to revisit some work I’ve done over the last five years and look at it with a new vision. The first of these is some telescope portraits I did in Washington state. Looking West is the small collection of these images. I have many more that I’m working on bringing together in new ways and I hope to have these posted quite soon. Let me know what you think about this new work.

Instagram Gallery

So I’ve been having way too much fun using Instagram, as mentioned in an earlier post. It’s a great visual social networking tool. It’s especially useful if you’re in the early stages of leaning the art of photography as it can open up a world of feedback to help you along. I’m really jealous of kids today, though they will never know the wonderment of working in a darkroom seeing images come to life through chemical interactions.

Using Instagram reinforces my love of iPhoneography, that’s for sure!

photocrati gallery


This is a few months old, as you can tell by the abundance of snow in the video, but I thought it was worth posting here. I finally got around to experimenting with shooting and editing video on my iPhone. It’s a pretty cool process, I’m not sure why I haven’t done any of this before now. My dog Jack absolutely loves snow and plastic flower pots. This film documents that love, or tries to anyway.